By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Kim strikes back…
Text of LG Guadagno’s remarks are below the fold…
“Mayor Zimmer’s version of our conversation in May or 2013 is not only false, but is illogical and does not withstand scrutiny when all of the facts are examined. Any suggestion that Sandy funds were tied to the approval of any project in New Jersey is completely false.
Standing in Union Beach, as we are today, with some of the mayors whose towns were devastated by Sandy, and also, being a Sandy victim myself, makes the mayor’s allegations particularly offensive to me.
The suggestion that anyone would hold back Sandy relief funds for any reason is wholly and completely false.
I thought I had a good relationship with the mayor of Hoboken. In fact, just three months after this conversation she said we had occurred, I was walking on the streets with her, in Hoboken, talking to her about urban markets; just three months after this conversation she said we had, and five months before she went to MSNBC. Like I said, I thought we had a good relationship.
Frankly I’m surprised that Mayor Zimmer has chosen to mischaracterize a conversation I had with her about development and job creation in Hoboken. I have devoted an extraordinary amount of time to projects, to bringing projects, to creating jobs and retaining jobs in Hoboken. That is my job as the Secretary of State and the Lt. Governor. I have visited Hoboken no less than thirteen times. I have worked on many more projects involving Hoboken as part of that job.
The one example that stand outs, the one that the mayor herself asked me to work on for her, is the Pearson Education Building. In the skyline, in the waterfront, on the waterfront of Hoboken. The mayor once told me there was an empty hole, and she asked me to find a company to fill it. Right now, Pearson Education is in the waterfront, on the waterfront. They’ve created hundreds of jobs, they created hundreds of construction jobs. So yes, I am very surprised, by the mayor’s allegations, and I deny, wholeheartedly, those allegations.
I proudly support, and will continue to support, the creation of jobs in Hoboken and all of New Jersey, and I will continue to work on those projects.
But I am going to end, and I mean end, by re-emphasizing one thing—
I deny any suggestion made by Mayor Zimmer that there was ever any conditions placed on the release of Sandy funds by me.
I want to thank you all for coming out, for giving me the opportunity to speak. I look forward to the inquiries. I am sure, absolutely sure all of the facts will come out.”
====Original Post====
According to CNN, Save Jerseyans, Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno will offer rare public remarks on Monday in Union Beach (Monmouth County) for a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day volunteer event.

About what? She will reportedly accuse Hoboken Mayor Dawn Zimmer of being the party to their May 2013 conversation who attempted to tie Sandy aid to redevelopment and not the other way around:
The lieutenant governor recalls having a conversation with Zimmer that day, but says she remembers Zimmer arguing that Sandy recovery aid and redevelopment were the same issue, according to the source close to Guadagno, who was not authorized to speak publicly.
“Kim remembers in their conversation that she was talking about redevelopment and making investments in Hoboken. She remembers Zimmer pressing Kim for money for Sandy. Kim remembers saying you can’t tie the two together,” the source said. “And she remembers Zimmer continuing to press and showing her a map of the city and pressing for aid for Sandy.”
Guadagno remembers it as a “friendly conversation,” the source said. “Zimmer was laser-focused on getting Hoboken money for Sandy recovery and that is not the role Kim Guadagno plays in the administration,” the source said.
The plot thickens…
Want to bet it won’t get the same media coverage? This is all part of the concentrated attack on all things right. First, they have gone after the Tea Party, full bore, to try an ruin their credibility. What made that even sadder is that they enlisted the RINO’s in office as accomplices. Now they are heading after what they perceive to be the front runner. Stay tuned for attacks on Cruz. I suspect that will be the next leg of this witch hunt. No need to go after paul. With his father in his corner, that will resolve itself. Who does that leave us with you ask. Well the same old party favorites. Divide and conquer. The new secret weapon of the liberal left.
Feds Should Follow The Money !
Feds Should Follow The Money !