Maddow Lays Into O’Toole

Kevin O'Toole

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Kevin O'Toole
Kevin O’Toole

MSNBC’s only host with a semblance of a personality, Rachel Maddow, continued her exhaustive (and exhausting) coverage of the Bridgegate scandal on Monday night, Save Jerseyans, only hours after the newly-formed joint committee concluded its first session.

Eight Democrats, four Republicans, a two-year open-ended committee lifespan without any structure and no guarantee in the organizing resolution of equal access to evidence by all members of the committee.

Maddow still contorted herself in search of a reason – or a person, in this particular case – to complain about Republican influence on the SCI:

Rachel recycles quite a few lies in this segment, Save Jerseyans, including the one about traffic delays killing an elderly woman. But hey, it’s MSNBC! Why the hell not. They’ve got to come up with something to compete with FOX News. I suppose combating “fair and balanced” with “hogwash and bullshit” sounded like a good idea at the time…

The anti-O’Toole commentary is more dumb than dishonest.

Trenton is a small town. There are only 40 senators in the state legislature and they fall into three different groups: those who (1) hate the Governor (e.g. Loretta Weinberg and Bob Gordon), (2) love the Governor (e.g. Kevin O’Toole and Brian Stack), and (3) don’t really care one way or the other but don’t particularly get along with the Christie front office these days (see the TK2 Rebellion).

SCI Part 2 is already loaded with hardcore Christie haters like Weinberg and John Wisniewski. Two of the three other Republican members are among the more independent in the GOP caucus. Does one solid Christie ally out of twelve truly offend Maddow’s sense of justice?

Somehow I doubt it.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.