Reinventing David Wildstein

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Have you noticed something strange about the Mainstream Media’s coverage of the David Wildstein attorney letter, Save Jerseyans, alleging evidence of a direct tie between Governor Chris Christie and the Fort Lee lane closures?

Maybe this ABC News clip will help you see it:


“One of” Christie’s “closest longtime allies”? Really?

They’re trying to reinvent a key character at the center of the Bridgegate scandal and it’s journalist malpractice, Save Jerseyans…

David Wildstein is not a Christie insider. Never was.

The most frequently cited email by the press from former Christie campaign manager Bill Stepien features the almost-NJGOP chairman telling Wildstein “[f]or what it’s worth, I like you more on October 2, 2013 than I did on October 2, 2009,” a reference to Wildstein’s past role as “Wally Edge,” the anonymous editor of PolitickerNJ, a website that frequently took a critical position towards Christie during his first statewide campaign.

Does that sound like a “close, longtime ally” to you?

The artist formerly known as Governor Edge made it to the Port Authority because he had a close relationship with former Executive Director Bill Baroni, a man who was closer to the center of Governor Chris Christie’s gravity but still not truly someone who was golfing with Christie on a daily basis.

So what’s going on here? I said it back in December 2013 a full month before the infamous Bridget Kelly/Fort Lee “time for some traffic problems” emails were leaked, Save Jerseyans: “There’s no national story here without a direct link to the Governor or one of his inner circle disciples to which Wildstein is connected, sure, but not a member.”

The media’s answer? ‘Cause they wanted a national story? Make David Wildstein a member of the Christie inner circle by repeating it over, and over, and over again.

To date, there’s absolutely zero hard evidence supporting this narrative. Christie’s denied it; all they have is a single, solitary photo of the pair standing near each other at an official 9/11 commemoration event. By that standard, Save Jerseyans, I’m an insider. You’ll find at least a few of the Big Guy and myself floating around online. And do any of you out there in Save Jersey land consider every last one of your high school class mates a “close, longtime ally”?

Of course not. Like any sane rational people would do, we’ll wait and see what hard evidence Wildstein’s attorney actually produces, if any. Not what the Governor’s many enemies including Loretta Weinberg hope he produces.

The double standard couldn’t be any more glaring. Governor Christie goes to high school with David Wildstein. The media fashions him a “close long-term ally.” President Obama attends Jeremiah Wright’s church for years. The media’s response: who? The same could be said for Bill Ayers and any number of seedy characters from the President’s past.

And keep in mind: Wildstein’s attorney’s letter only alleges the existence — not possession — of damning evidence. Let’s assume for a moment that it does exist. Direct evidence? Circumstantial evidence? More hearsay or, alternatively, a thinly-veiled attempt to compel an offer of immunity only hours after Senate President Sweeney said none would be forthcoming from the legislature? Unredacted emails are supposedly forthcoming…

Until Mr. Wildstein’s legal team tips its hand, I’m with Rudy Giuliani, a man who knows as much about battling corruption as anyone else on the planet: this latest development is no bombshell.

Not yet. Who in his or her right mind would just ACCEPT a story, based on everything set forth above in this post, curiously leaked and dropped on a Friday before Governor Christie’s long-awaited Super Bowl showcase?

The Mainstream Media’s desire alone doesn’t make a scandal. Unfortunately, the standards for a “story” in 2014 are much lower when a Republican threat to Hillary Clinton’s aspirations is on the receiving end.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. So the question I have as 2nd in command of the Port Authorities $3.2 billion capital budget how is Wildstein estimated to have in kickbacks etc. & what % does Christie get of the take.

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