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Cerf Recedes

February 11, 2014 Matt Rooney 44

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog We found out today that Chris Cerf, New Jersey’s not-so-acting Commissioner of Education is leaving his post, Save Jerseyans, to take […]

The Little Republican

February 11, 2014 Matt Rooney 53

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog A heartbroken country is mourning the loss of Shirley Temple this morning, Save Jerseyans, the childhood film star who stole […]

The Chickens#%t Caucus

February 10, 2014 Matt Rooney 46

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog Believe what you want to believe about the Bridgegate scandal, Save Jerseyans. It’s no skin off of this blogger’s nose. […]