SCI GOP Tackle Bi-State Corruption

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

GWB CLIMB 4/20/07

There are two ways to go about tackling a government scandal, Save Jerseyans:

(1) Launching a transparently-partisan witch hunt and engaging in wild, politically-motivated theorizing on social media, or

(2) Asking tough questions and championing real reforms.

Trenton Democrats have made it clear which path they prefer (hint hint #1). The Republican members of the Legislative Select Committee on Investigation (SCI) favor door #2 and they proved it on Friday…

Assembly Republican SCI members Amy Handlin, Michael Patrick Carroll, and Holly Schepisi sent a letter to Assembly Speaker Vincent Prieto on Friday afternoon.

The letter (pdf) asked him to take action on piece of legislation which could reform the way that bi-state agencies operate.

“For years, Democrats and Republicans have been urging an overhaul of bi-state authorities,” the joint letter reads. “Many of the reforms we have outlined are not new solutions, but their importance has only been underscored by recent events.  There may be others or even new ideas we should consider.  That is why this discussion is so important and should begin today.”

She’s right. And Bridgegate is the least of it.

Democrats and their media allies have long downplayed infinitely-more substantiated corruption down at the Delaware River Port Authority (DRPA). The only difference? DRPA is a Democrat patronage pit instead of a Republican one, so the legislature (and machine-friendly Republicans) have no incentive to make political hay out of it. Or to stop the ringmaster of the DRPA circus from getting a judgeship.

“Immediate reforms are necessary,” added Handlin in an Assembly GOP press release. “I’m sure the high profile of the legislative probe has caused people to change their behavior and second guess questionable ‘business as usual’ practices at the Port Authority. However, that atmosphere can dissipate quickly and bad habits can return.”

“We need an honest discussion with members from both sides of the aisle,” concluded Handlin. “By addressing the abuses we already understand, we can identify areas of agreement and begin to apply standards of good government that establish much needed oversight and accountability.”

Here’s a list of the GOP’s proposed reform bills:

  • A-2856 – Establishes a single chain of command with fixed terms for the Port Authority’s executive director and deputy executive director and requires approval from governors of both New Jersey and New York prior to the employment of the directors.
  • A-2858 – Requires bi-state authorities to provide advance written notice of any operation or project that is expected to impede the free flow of traffic.
  • A-2887 – Requires a code of ethics and an acknowledgement by authority board members that they understand their fiduciary responsibilities. It also requires the implementation of audit recommendations and financial disclosure for each board member and subjects each authority to the state’s Open Public Records Act.
  • A-2886 – Establishes an Office of the Investigator General within each of four bi-state authorities appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the Senate for one term of 10 years.
  • A-2857 – Facilitates public disclosure of financial and employee information through the state comptroller regarding revenues, expenses, and debts; number of employees; annual employee compensation; data on pension payments of former employees; and the name and amount of compensation paid to any governmental affairs agent hired.
  • A-2855 – Establishes a new crime of official interference with transportation punishable up to 18 months in jail and a fine of up to $10,000.

If we’re wrong, and this SCI business isn’t really about collecting Republican scalps, then Prieto will act on the SCI GOP members’ letter.

But we’re not wrong, so this is likely the LAST time you’ll here about the GOP members’ letter anywhere but here, at Save Jersey.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. .

    I’m not a big Christie fan, but he is absolutely right to refuse to talk about the GWB “Scandal.” The MSM has looked the other way on Fast and Furious, IRS, NSA and Benghazi, but they’re up in arms over a traffic jam…

    Speaking of bridges, didn’t we have a guy run for president who let a girl drown in his car after going over a bridge?

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