NJEA Backs Pension Reform Now That It’s Dead

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Education-FundingThe NJEA has sued the Christie Administration (as expected), Save Jerseyans, along with other public sector unions who are less-than-thrilled about the Governor’s decision to make a more modest pension payment than previously championed for the upcoming fiscal year.

Click here to read the complaint.

One excerpt from the accompanying press release, uttered by NJEA President Wendell Steinhauer, jumped out at me like a costumed teenager working a Halloween haunted hayride:

“Because of the significant sacrifices made by public employees and retirees, the state has a viable path to pension solvency, but only if Gov. Christie lives up to his obligations.  If he does not, New Jersey taxpayers will be saddled with even larger obligations once he is out of office.  That doesn’t serve the interests of anyone who cares about New Jersey’s long-term well-being.”

Whoa. Did you catch that?

Only now, at the end of the all-too-short pension reform movement of 2011, will one of our state’s most notorious public sector unions admit that the Christie pension reforms were a net positive for New Jersey or, in Steinhauer’s own words, “a viable path to pension solvency.”

This is the same union that fought Chris Christie’s pension reform proposals tooth-and-nail. That callously told inner city kids in failing schools that “life’s not always fair.” That paid BIG MONEY over the years to protect the jobs of the politicians who ruined our pension system in the first place. They’ve been the most fervent guardians of the unworkable status quo.

And yet now here they are, regardless of what you might think of Chris Christie and his decisions, decrying their Republican nemesis’s deviation from the plan that THEY opposed.

You’d have to be either (1) stupid or (2) willfully ignorant to take anything the NJEA says seriously given their clear track record of unparalleled B.S., Save Jerseyans. Remarkable…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8759 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Kicking the can further down the road solves nothing. You keep spooning out the bs, and eventually, maybe someone will believe it, but every single teacher, firefighter, corrections officer, communications worker, and police officer should read your article and vote accordingly this Fall…So should their family members and anyone else who supports them.

    Frederick John LaVergne, “Democratic-Republican” for Congress, NJ CD3 2014

  2. Nowhere in my post will you find an argument for “kicking the can further down the road.” You’re just like every other politician: you have a pre-developed point to make and you throw it out there even if it has nothing to do with the discussion at hand. If you want to advertise here, then go ahead and buy an ad. Otherwise try to address what’s actually being said! Too much to ask?

  3. “You’d have to be either (1) stupid or (2) willfully ignorant to take anything the NJEA says seriously given their clear track record of unparalleled B.S., Save Jerseyans. Remarkable… ”

    Your words – not mine.

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