Primary 2014 Open Thread

U.S. Senate candidate Rich Pezzullo votes in Monmouth County

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

U.S. Senate candidate Rich Pezzullo votes in Monmouth County
U.S. Senate candidate Rich Pezzullo votes in Monmouth County

Welcome to Primary Day 2014, Save Jerseyans, and if you’re a candidate, may the odds be ever in your favor…

The morning crowd has already voted; most of you will head to the polls after work because you’re Republicans with jobs who pay taxes. Welcome to America.

In the interim, we’d like you to share any observations/predictions/last minute arguments in the comments section and via social media as Primary Day 2014 progresses…

Election Day resources below the fold:


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. This is a bold move, Rooney…I’ll put an over/under that 18 people will call you a RINO for failing to unequivocally endorse Lonegan.

  2. I hate to say it but I agree with your assessment that Goldberg will win as he has the most County endorsements. That isn’t stopping me from hoping Rich Pezzullo will suprise us all. I think he stands a better chance than Goldberg agaist Corey Booker in November

  3. Whichever candidate wins, we need to get Booker out. My family will be supporting Dr. Sabrin today, but may the best candidate win. I think we conservatives would prefer Sabrin, Pezzullo, or Bell over Goldberg. I just cannot support Goldberg in November; he is simply a big government Republican. After today, we must unite as conservatives to support our CONSERVATIVE nominee to give Booker a hell of a fight. If every conservative in NJ gave just $5 to the campaign that wins in the primary today, I bet that would add up to match Booker’s war chest, maybe even more.

    For Conservatism, and for liberty!

  4. It’s really tightened up, with Bell overtaking Goldberg, and Pezzullo hovering at 29%..even Sabrin has started to move up…this thing is going to be close, maybe the winner under 30% which would be epic

  5. Looks like Bell is going to hold on, he has a 2% lead over Pezzullo, but remaining counties favor Bell on the percentage count. Goldberg may have a chance at 2nd.

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