By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Did the First Amendment take it on the chin tonight in West Deptford, Save Jerseyans?
An ordinance which we were the first to report on last month attained final passage Wednesday night following a strict 3-to-2 party-line vote.
Henceforth, protesters can’t picket within 100 feet of residential properties and no more than 10 people can show up for one hour intervals every two weeks. Protesters also need to give the township police a 24-hour heads up or face a $2,000 fine and/or up to 90 days in jail in addition to community service.
The Democrat-controlled township government, you’ll recall, brought the ordinance forth after Second Amendment activists peacefully protested in front of Senate President Steve Sweeney’s West Deptford home, two Sundays in a row, following the murder of South Jersey hairdresser Carol Bowne.
Free speech
They should carry rainbow flags and, when cops intervene, sue the hell outta West Deptford for discrimination.
Norcrats ruining south jersey.. Democrats ruining America wake up
If you can’t take the heat; get out of the Senate
This is a perfect action against freedom to assemble and should be filed immediately
Sweeney 3rd most powerful in the state and he is a resident of West Deptford I am not surprised.
Did they make an exception for union picketing so Sweeney can picket corporate executives like in the past?
A storm is coming and those like Sweeney will be swept away
Well…..I’m not entirely on board with this issue for transparency concerns that I have, BUT it looks like the line in the sand has been drawn, and it’s don’t shoot till you see the whites of their eye’s. This is a serious concern on a number of levels, and needs to be challenged through the courts IF the 2ND Amendment group is serious and they will put on their man pant’s so to speak and test the ordinance on the ground in WestDeptford. Anything less is political grandstanding.
#AwakeYet?! the #SweeneyNorcross #CorruptPolliticalMachine just rewrote laws restricting #FreeSpeech because people called them out for their actions.
(It’s Good to be the King)
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In Ferguson and Baltimore it’s ok to protest unimpeded, burning down buildings, but have a lawful orderly protest in Sweeneytown and he’ll just rewrite law…!
Hey driver of the white $100k Escalade with NJ license plate “SS”, #Tolerance: you’re doing it wrong!
Reasonable regulation. Go protest in Trenton instead of pretending it;s free speech at someone’s private residence. Have some respect you RWNJ’s.
Mr. Gonzalez- It has nothing to do with location or private residences. It has to do with your basic civil rights and constitutional freedoms. How would you feel if your local politicians told you which god you could worship or who you had to vote for. Please protect your rights or someday they will be removing one you do care about.