Christie talks pro-life for “every life” in 4th TV spot

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

It’s a theme we’ve heard before from him, Save Jerseyans. Many times.

And it’s also the theme of the Christie campaign’s latest New Hampshire television ad, “Every Life,” touching on abortion but focusing primarily on battling drug addiction:

My question: is this a good primary theme?

The pro-life issue is always popular among conservative base voters but frankly, if they’re still candidate shopping, Chris Christie is likely #10 on their list. It feels more like a general election ad with no mention of the Planned Parenthood videos. Let’s also keep in mind that Donald Trump is currently the frontrunner (I’m still not used to typing that) due in part to the “freeloader” issue. Americans are generous people instinctively but they don’t like feeling as if someone is taking advantage of their generosity. Immigration reform is the topic de jure of the moment but I wonder how persuadable primary voters will be moved by sympathy of drug addicts…?

Is he working on New Hampshire’s notorious drug problem? The other possibility is that this continued effort to revive “compassionate conservatism” is an attempt to squeeze out John Kasich who is standing in the Governor’s way.

My assessment? B for a general election spot but D for a GOP primary ad when you’re polling at 1-2%.

We shall see! I’ve been wrong before (on a few rare occasions which you likely can’t even recall). Grade the ad yourself below…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. The production value is a B or higher, but I’m not sure as to the “relevance” (as you put it, Maxim. This issue isn’t moving anyone’s vote at the moment unless you’re THE guy pushing back against Planned Parenthood but, as we’ve both noted, it’s never even mentioned in the ad. Strange choice…

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