Rooney announces challenge to Yudin for BCRO Chairmanship

Kevin Rooney

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

No, not me. And we’re not related (to the best of my knowledge).

But it looks like a Rooney, another Rooney, is going to be quite busy in Bergen County politics in the coming months after the county-wide GOP candidates were routed.

kevin rooney“Today, I ask you to work with me again in my candidacy for BCRO Chairman,” newly-reelected Wyckoff Mayor Kevin Rooney declared in a Wednesday Facebook post. “The time is long overdue to reunite and rebuild our county party; the infighting and lack of leadership must come to an end.”

The problems plaguing the Republican Party of New Jersey’s most populous county are well-known to regular readers.

In Rooney’s hometown, Bergen County contributor extraordinaire Matthew Gilson previously explained for us why the 2015 Wyckoff Township Committee election was a “proxy war” of sorts for control of the BCRO. Republican Susan Yudin, wife of county GOP chairman Bob Yudin, lost to right-of-center independent Tom Madigan who had Rooney’s support.

The end result:

Yudin: 1,184

Rooney: 1,824 (w)

Madigan: 1,634 (w)

Councilman John Carolan ran unopposed for an unexpired term.

Matt also predicted a multi-candidate BCRO leadership battle after Tuesday night’s results. Looks like he was onto something albeit a tad sooner than anyone might have imagined?


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Whether it be Kevin Rooney or Mickey Rooney, BC Republicans need new leadership! Uni-Brow Yudin needs to go. Enough of his antics and pointing blame at others. The BCRO also must view themselves as a business LIKE THE DEMOCRATS DO…year round activity at different levels not johnny come lately the September before November elections. We lost a very viable County Exec candidate not getting John Mitchell to the Freeholders office, positioning him for CE job. Tedesco was a freeholder for 20 minutes before he became a candidate and won. Anything short of a reorganization of our party in BC will become a circular firing squad.

  2. “Matt also predicted a multi-candidate BCRO leadership battle after Tuesday night’s results. Looks like he was onto something albeit a tad sooner than anyone might have imagined?”

    The ability to predict precisely where the chaise lounges will be relocated on the deck of a sinking luxury liner is not a talent to be trifled with.

    Kudos, Matt…the Force truly is strong in you.

    If you can divine the precise date New Jersey slips into the new Dark Ages, you’ll win the Nostradamus award.

3 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Next: DiGaetano weighs challenge to Yudin | The Save Jersey Blog
  2. My candid chat with Bergen County’s Bob Yudin | The Save Jersey Blog
  3. BCRO Battle Over? Rooney endorses Yudin, ‘Stellato’s Best Asset’, as DiGaetano ponders entry | The Save Jersey Blog

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