Yudin breaks silence, calls on “traitor” Saudino to return GOP donations

Bob Yudin

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Bergen County Republican Chairman Bob Yudin issued his first formal statement on Sheriff Michael Saudino‘s defection from the Republican Party on Sunday night, Save Jerseyans, going directly after the former GOP law enforcement official’s character.

Bob Yudin
Bob Yudin

“I waited a few days to release this statement because I was once taught never to react in anger to a situation. Today, I want to make some facts clear. First, it is clear that Mr. Saudino’s personal political future – and his personal profit made from it – mean more to him than his word,” Yudin stated. “Up until a few days before making his public announcement, Mr. Saudino assured me, and others, that he would remain with the Republican Party. If Mr. Saudino can either so easily lie, or so easily go back on his own word, he does not have the integrity he claims or that the people of Bergen County deserve in their Sheriff.”

Yudin had previously gone on record only to express surprise at Saudino’s switch. Now he wants the veteran sheriff to return monies raised from Republicans who supports his campaigns in the GOP column. 

“Second, Mr. Saudino perpetrated what basically amounts to fraud among Republican donors here in Bergen County. Recently, Mr. Saudino raised tens of thousands of dollars from Republican residents under the ruse he was one of them. I call on Mr. Saudino to return this ill-gotten money immediately,” Yudin continued. “The definition of traitor is one who betrays another’s trust or is false to an obligation or duty. Mr. Saudino’s blatantly political and self-serving actions have betrayed the trust of the Bergen County voters who elected him to help hold a corrupt political machine at bay, rather than join it. His actions have violated his duty to the hundreds of Republican Party members and volunteers who worked to get him elected. And his actions have proven false his past claims at being bi-partisan or above politics.”

The betrayal could prove costly. The Sheriff’s switch leaves Chairman Yudin’s embattled BCRO down not one but two incumbents heading into Election 2016. Saudino, for his part, admitted at his Friday Hackensack press conference announcing the defection that he had considered the switch many times before due to infighting with former GOP County Executive Kathe Donovan. Yudin, facing a fierce challenge for his own reelection as the county’s head Republican, nevertheless expressed confidence that Bergen residents will penalize Saudino for political gamesmanship.

“Mr. Saudino’s party switch may have helped him temporarily; but I am sure the people of Bergen County will see through him for the blatantly self-serving, traitorous politician he has revealed himself to be.”


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Yudin is the last one that should be talking about character. He is nothing more than a divisive bully. He’s also a hypocrite with his comment about “not reacting in anger,” because honestly, the guy nearly beat the crap out of me when I was trying to collect signatures at the 2012 Bergen County Republican Convention for a candidate NOT named Romney. (That’s documented and witnessed ) Yudin was so angry his nostrils were flaring like a raging bull. Unfortunately, a “broken clock is right twice a day” and the Sheriff is indeed a traitor.

3 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Saudino’s greatest betrayal? Siding the Democrats’ police-hating allies | The Save Jersey Blog
  2. POLL: Should Yudin or DiGaetano lead the Bergen GOP forward? | The Save Jersey Blog
  3. DiGaetano’s kick-off rallies 100+ in battleground LD36 | The Save Jersey Blog

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