Phil Murphy says he’ll protect N.J. from Trump. Who will protect us from Phil?

It’s closing argument time, Save Jerseyans, and Phil Murphy (D-Goldman Sachs) is heavily favored to lock up his party’s nomination on Tuesday, months after Democrat bosses and special interest groups sidelined Stephen Sweeney and made it a fait accompli.

Murphy’s closing argument? Fueled by oodles of dough spent to swat down “progressive” challengers attacking from his left flank?

He’s the one to protect us from Donald Trump!!!


I always get a kick out of big government limousine liberals making situational 10th Amendment arguments. It drips of insincerity. Government overreach is only okay when it’s THEIR guy, right?

But let’s assume for a moment that you don’t like Donald Trump, and aren’t a conservative, and an anti-Trumpian message is appealing to you. Phil Murphy did, after all, compare the president to Hitler. There are people out there who actually feel that way.

Let’s look at it from a different angle: 

Who’s going to protect us from Phil Murphy?

New Jersey continues to hemorrhage taxpaying citizens due to its dubious status as America’s most over-taxed state. Were it not for immigration? We’d be shrinking! And yet Phil Murphy is pledging to significantly increase taxes immediately upon taking office. “Tons of money” is the exact phrase he used in a recent debate when asked, directly, to articulate how much cash he’d need to raise (from us) to pay for his platform. He even supports a property tax formula cash infusion which will send New Jersey property tax burdens to historic levels and a absolutely wacky new “public bank”, staffed by his cronies, to “fix” the pension system.

Yup. This guy is waaaaay out there in far Left field. Marx is blushing somewhere. He makes Loretta Weinberg look like Andrew Carnegie.

But I know. I hear you. You’re pissed off. If it makes you feel better? Disregard everything I’m saying and take your anger over Donald Trump’s microaggressions and transgressions, real and imagined, out on your neighbors by casting a poorly thought-out protest vote this November. That’ll teach’em.

As for the rest of us? Who are also your neighbors? November isn’t a Republican vs. Democrat, Trump vs. New Jersey election, folks. Or at least it shouldn’t be.

This is a “will New Jersey still exist in 10 years” kind of election, or will we all be living in comparatively modest tax climates, in other state like Pennsylvania or South Carolina, with inferior beaches and pizza but a lot more economic freedom and job prospects.

I’ll put it another way: Who will Phil Murphy protect from Trump, non-binding climate accord withdrawals (?) and imaginary Russian conspiracies (!) if New Jerseyans are forced to relocate to states that voted for Trump?

See? I don’t care where you fall in terms of party ID. The answer changes when you ask the correct question.

Trump isn’t on the ballot until 2020. No one can change that by saying it over, and over, and over again in paid advertising. 

Don’t let this gazillionaire goober get away with convincing you otherwise. There’s too much at stake and, by too much, I mean EVERYTHING if a future in New Jersey means anything to you.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.