VIDEO: Dem Congressman Malinowski concedes impeachment is driven beating Trump

WASHINGTON, D.C. – If you doubted for a second that impeachment was about anything other than invalidating the results of Election 2016? Freshman House Democrat Tom Malinowski (NJ-07) put the debate to rest during a recent appearance and it was all caught on camera by a tracker.

“I have to think that some of them are wondering, okay, ‘maybe I am not for impeachment, but do we want this for another six years?’ Should this be…because it’s only going to get crazier,” said Malinowski, waxing on the Left’s push for impeachment which has taken Capitol Hill by storm.

“Tom Malinowski’s made it clear that Democrats are obsessed with removing President Trump from office because they can’t defeat him at the ballot box and it will cost Malinowski his seat in 2020,” NRCC Spokesman Michael McAdams reacted in a statement.

A new poll found support for impeachment in New Jersey around the 50% mark, but another recent survey suggests enthusiasm for impeaching the president may be far softer in Garden State battleground house districts including Malinowski’s North-Central Jersey-situated 7th Congressional District.



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