Right Move, Wrong Reason

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

As expected, earlier today at the Jersey Shore, Mayor Adam Schneider (D-Long Branch) became the latest prominent Democrat to endorse Governor Chris Christie’s reelection bid.

Sandy sealed the deal for him:


I’m glad another Democrat realized that voting for Barbara Buono is antithetical to the state’s best interests, Save Jerseyans. It’s a promising development. I only wish that some of these Dems were jumping ship for ideological reasons, too, rather than simply having come to respect (and fear) this Governor’s gravitas.

Criticism of the House GOP in the Sandy aid debate has been simplistic to the point of being dangerously misleading. Given all of the ongoing problems with the feds’ response long after the storm hit, you’d would think a Shore mayor should know better…

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Matt, Christie is talking up this "bipartisanship," but democrats are the reason this state is such an utter disaster. McGreevey nearly bankrupted the state with bad deals (ENCAP, Xanadu, PruCenter) that are all failures, then Corzine increased taxes, tolls and fees to unsustainable levels to the point that this state has been absolutely bleeding wealth. I don't want bipartisanship. I don't want to work with the people that have absolutely decimated the middle class. I want to see taxes CUT, and I've not seen that yet!

    I am waiting to see what my town's re-evaluation does to my taxes; if it's as bad as I think it's going to be, I am going to start looking for work in the Carolinas, Georgia or Florida because I simply cannot take this anymore. I'm sick of working 65-75 hours a week to clear 6-figures but live paycheck to paycheck because gov't takes so damned much and the only thing we get in return is crappy schools!

  2. @Joe You know I'm with you. That's kind of my point… I wish more Dems were genuinely "seeing the light" rather than simply running from the Gov's real and/or imagined coattails.

  3. I drove up the TPK a week ago and saw the mounds of dirt blocking the view of the NY skyline that was from the failed ENCAP project, then drove past the empty Xanadu and I just read today about how the Devils are on the verge of bankruptcy. I worked at the Meadowlands Sports Complex and I watched McGreevey run it into the ground. He also wasted hundreds of millions expanding the grandstand at the racetrack, which is now about to be torn down, and to build a rail link that is used just 25 times a year (7% of the year).

    Then Corzine came in and doubled-down on the spending and taxes and now we're supposed to work with democrats?!?! I honestly don't get it. Christie's commercials rip Buono for voting for all the tax increases, but Christie hasn't eliminated a single one of 'em, which, essentially, says that he has no problem spending the money Buono voted to take from us.

    I'm very disillusioned. Maybe my problem is that I pay too much attention. Maybe ignorance is truly bliss. Of course, I'd still be living paycheck to paycheck… UGH!

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