Piling On Christie

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Asbury ParkThere are really two establishments in modern Republican politics, Save Jerseyans, and this blog is unique for openly acknowledging them rather than simply choosing a side to drive traffic; they are (1) those who make a living from going along to get along, and (2) those who pursue purity for profit.

That seemingly endless drama is currently playing out on the Chris Christie front with renewed intensity after New Jersey’s governor capture a second term in grand fashion on Tuesday.

Former fans in the new media sphere — including Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter — ruled out Christie as an acceptable GOP nominee. In one of the more admittedly bizarre Christie critiques to date, a Breitbart contributor scolded the GOP incumbent for reportedly refusing to leave his own campaign trail to stump for flailing Virginia counterpart Ken Cuccinelli.

Potential primary rivals were ready to pounce, too, from the moment that the returns were tallied. Talking to ABC News, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) expressed appreciation for the fact “that he is brash, that he is outspoken, and that he won his race. But I think we need more leaders in Washington with the courage to stand for principle. And in particular, Obamacare is not working.”

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) was characteristically more direct; during a hearing of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee evaluating federal Sandy aid, Paul took a clear swipe at Chris Christie’s controversial “Stronger Than the Storm” advertising campaign (h/t WashPo):

“Some of these ads, people running for office put their mug all over these ads while they’re in the middle of a political campaign. In New Jersey, $25 million was spent on ads that included somebody running for political office. I’m thinking there might be a conflict of interest there. That’s a real problem. And that’s why, when people are trying to do good and trying to use the taxpayer’s money wisely, they’re offended to see our money spent on political ads. That’s just offensive.”

Get ready for at least two and a half years of this stuff, Save Jerseyans, all while the Governor and his allies move to gain early institutional advantages in the coming nomination battle.

Chris Christie’s genuine skeptics and ardent detractors may need to coalesce quickly around someone or risk being rolled over. Remember: Mitt Romney’s reluctant campaign raised plenty of cash but didn’t place a premium on building a national ground infrastructure until late in the game. At that point, they faced tough decisions and were forced to cannibalize victory centers to fend off primary challenges.

Team Christie intended to at least try to avoid the same pitfalls.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. OK and now we what camp you side with. Cuccinelli was apparently not "flailing" as much as the RINO camp wanted him to be. Would have won if the actual establishment backed him or if they knew(or wanted) to play politics (being tricked again by the fake 3rd party candidate). Christie set his election up to be the biggest softball in political history and the left let him (I wonder why?? hmmm.) Special election??? Not appointing a Republican to serve out the term. Nice try – but I know what camp actually stands for something other than themselves.

  2. @Jeff I don't know how long you've been reading, but I'm often accused of being (1) a RINO and (2) a wignut in the same post thread. Not on anyone's "side." I do everything that I can to poke holes in the imaginary barriers that some self-interested Republicans erect to raise cash and their own profiles. Traditional conservative principles are my only mistress and I've always been faithful.

  3. OK good. If that's the case Christie won't be your guy in 2016 either. I voted for him – and he is more than we can hope for in this lib state (at least without establishment help for conservative candidates) but he is far from a non-self-interested conservative.

  4. @Jeff I refuse to back anyone until we see how they perform on the trail, in debates, etc. Running for president is unlike anything else in the world. I want to know how they'll each hold up before making a decision.

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