A Discussion with Steve Lonegan

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

We’ve already heard from CD3 GOP contender Tom MacArthur, Save Jerseyans, so with only two weeks left to go in a particularly bruising battle to replace Jon Runyan in Congress, I was paid a visit on Monday afternoon by none other than MacArthur’s seasoned challenger, Steve Lonegan.

Steve and I had a friendly, casual but predictably honest chat touching on everything from his primary opponent and the value of “RINO” hunting to repealing Obamacare and… his love of salt water fishing. It’s likely the second-to-last best chance you’ll have to hear from the former mayor and AFP-NJ leader before June 3rd (there’s a radio debate set for later this week).

Enjoy watching and please let us know what you think in the comments:


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Good luck swallowing another loss, Steve. Hopefully it goes down easier than the other five.

  2. You RINOs are filled with such animosity that it makes it impossible to support your candidate, assuming he even does win and go up against a known student of Nancy Pelosi. What about Steve bothers you so much … because he fought to prevent “asset monetization” from happening, led the fight in New Jersey against Obamacare, or was it when he took on his own party’s embarrassment of a Governor when she frivolously borrowed billions of dollars? I find it interesting that you have so much anger and bitterness toward Steve that when you’re done spewing it out, you have none left for the Democrats. More proof that in this area, we don’t have two different parties … we have one big government party with two sides pretending to be different but actually working in collusion.

  3. Gosh. They both stink. I am surprised people are not exposing how they “barely” live in south jersey. Just trying to grab power since they cannot do it up in liberal north jersey. I also think tom suing over real lawsuits that involved is company is Embarrassing. http://www.redstate.com/2014/05/20/republican-tom-macarthur-uses-lawfare-against-steve-lonegan/. Sorry these facts just expose you sleazy, insurance-man ways. Steve is just too out there to be effective. we are screwed in this race.

  4. Glad to see things being fair. Probably the only news source to give credence to both candidates.

  5. Maybe not. MacArthur needs better attorneys. He’s just following the same playbook his company followed (at his direction – no denying) – file lawsuit after lawsuit until you spend your adversary out of their rights.

    Trouble is, now he’s screwing with MY Constitution….to quote Phil Sheridan “That was ungenerous – I’ll take your guns for that”

  6. Thank you. I’ve never pretended to be an unbiased journalist, but anyone who claims I’m “out to get” one particular Republican candidate or another is not only wrong but clearly has an agenda of his or her own. Or they’ve simply never actually read our posts on a consistent basis! Either way, the facts don’t fit their conclusion.

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