Brown launches campaign at “make or break moment”

Assemblyman Chris Brown shakes hands with Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian who endorsed Brown for re-election to the Assembly.

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Brown (podium), surrounded by family and supporters, formally launches his reelection campaign.
Assemblyman Chris Brown speaks to supporters as his wife Christine and his three children Matt, Mallory, and Dan (left to right). Also pictured are Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian and Freeholder John Carman.

Assemblyman Chris Brown (R-2) was joined by Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian at the historic Irish Pub on Saturday morning, Save Jerseyans, using the occasion of Valentine’s Day to express his love and commitment to one of New Jersey’s most economically-stressed population centers.

“This is a make or break moment for our middle class families, because, what’s at stake is whether this will be a county where working families can live the American Dream of earning a fair wage, going to the doctor if they are sick, paying for their kids’ education, owning a home, and retiring someday,” said Brown, who is seeking his third term representing the battleground legislative district. “I don’t think this is asking too much and is certainly worth fighting for.”

Brown also took direct aim at district mate Vincent Mazzeo (D-2), a freshman assemblyman, whose apparent acquiescence to North Jersey casino construction promises to be a centerpiece of the GOP campaign.

“I believe the fight for our American Dream in Atlantic County begins by stopping a North Jersey casino,” continued Brown, an A.C.-based attorney and Gulf War veteran. “In stark contrast to our willingness to stand up and fight to protect the jobs of our families here in Atlantic County, my Democrat Assembly counterpart has told us a North Jersey casino is inevitable, that he is ‘over it,’ and if it opens, ‘So be it.’”

Assemblyman Chris Brown shakes hands with Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian who endorsed Brown for re-election to the Assembly.
Assemblyman Chris Brown shakes hands with Atlantic City Mayor Don Guardian who endorsed Brown for re-election to the Assembly.

Mayor Guardian expressed strong approval of Brown’s partnership.

“Chris Brown is fighting for the people of Atlantic City and for Atlantic County,” said Guardian, weathering his first term as mayor at a time when Governor Christie is appointing an emergency management time. “Chris Brown is clearly the best choice for the state Assembly and I wholeheartedly endorse his candidacy.  I could not think of anyone better.”

Asm. Brown is an odds-on favorite for re-nomination at the Atlantic GOP’s annual convention scheduled for March 21st. Freeholder Will Pauls is the front runner for the second slot.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. So far, neither Brown nor any other establishment Republican has promised to stop Democrat proposal to hike NJ gasoline tax again. All Assembly up for election this year. Deadline to file petitions for primary elections is March 30.

  2. @Seth As a general matter, I think my fellow GOP’ers in the Assembly will be making a HUGE mistake if they don’t run against the gas tax hike statewide this fall.

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