Christie gets personal with ‘bubble boy’ Rubio, Trump complains ‘not worth it’ after Iowa losses

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

How leaders lose says a lot, Save Jerseyans.

Two of Monday’s competitors who failed to meet expectations – Donald Trump (2nd) and Chris Christie (10th) – are dealing with defeat in somewhat different ways.

Christie is acting as one might expect: like a candidate who’s got one week to live. This is it. Anything short of a surprise in New Hampshire (a third or better finish?) and he’s finished. Maybe 4th? If he’s able to decisively vanquish the rest of the gubernatorial or “establishment lane” candidates like Jeb Bush and John Kasich, but the latest polling suggest that’s extremely unlikely; Christie sits in 6th place overall in the RCP average and the last several polls show him trailing Bush, Kasich or both by significant margins.

christie vs trumpSo the Governor of New Jersey is swinging for the fences at the new #3 – Marco Rubio – in what’s looking like a three-man race for the nomination. His attacks were hyper-personal.

“Maybe he’ll do more than 40 minutes on a little stage telling everybody his canned speech that he’s memorized,” Christie told reporters during a Tuesday New Hampshire bus tour. “This isn’t a student council election, everybody. This is an election for president of the United States. Let’s get the boy in the bubble out of the bubble, and let’s see him play for the next week in New Hampshire. I’m ready to play, and I hope he is.”

What can I say that I already haven’t? I know Christie better than most after following him through a microscope since 2008. I’ve hailed him and criticized him. He’s capable of acts of great magnanimity and compassion in certain contexts but also ill-conceived and even downright ugly verbal salvos when his back is pressed up against the wall… ask the Mayor of North Wildwood. Said another way, our Governor is an emotional creature by self-admission. Anakin Skywalker plus a few pounds and a Jersey accent – yes, nerdy, but it fits. In recent months, I’ve publicly come down on him before for somewhat strange (read: hypocritical) swipes at Rubio, ones which I believe are at least partially the product of political pressure to turn around his troubled campaign. It’s unfortunate because, frankly, he’s capable of much better.

At the same time, to quote another 2016 hopeful, this isn’t bean bag. Rubio is a man, not a boy, and he can take care of himself. Christie is a fighter and fighting is what he does best. Let the chips fall where they may.

The Donald? Everyone favorite real estate mogul might need a trip to the spa. One day after losing Iowa despite consistent polling leads there in the run-up to Caucus Day, candidate Trump took to Twitter on Tuesday (following an out-of-character 13-hour hiatus from the popular social media site) to say a couple of decent things… but then a couple of emo and ultimately down right insulting and immature things:

Not worth it, huh?

Then please do us all a favor and go back to what you do best, dude: reality television and bankruptcy filings.

Like I said, Save Jerseyans: much is revealed in defeat!


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. I am not a ‘Trumpette’ but I agree that the media didn’t cover Trump win fairly, or Cruz for that matter. The MSM gave up on Establishment Bush and moved to Establishment Rubio – Cruz took 1st place in Iowa, Trump took second and all you hear is what a ‘win’ it was for Rubio and then some twisted statistics to prove the point.
    Rubio is a RINO who caved on immigration, a pretty face who speaks well but who will let you down when it comes to the security and economy of the American people. And isn’t a pretty face who speaks well what we had for the past 8 yrs?

  2. The media has NOT treated Trump fairly. Trump scares a lot of establishment types and the lame-stream media has devolved into nothing more that the propaganda wing of the democrat/socialist party.

    Trump has already done this country a HUGE . His lack of political correctness, calling out NAFTA and its progeny for what it is (a New World Order redistribution of wealth and power which has cost the U.S. citizenry MILLIONS of manufacturing jobs) and the need to close the southern border has brought issues to the table that—-and you mark my words on this—– NEVER would have been discussed had he not entered the race.

    The USA is a FRAUD. The two party system and representative government have been revealed to be empty platitudes. Trump, FaceBook, talk radio and a few other sources have shone a light on the utter BS Americans have been force fed since the beginning of the HW BUSH administration.

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  1. VIDEO: Heated Christie unloads on ‘bubble boy’ Rubio | The Save Jersey Blog

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