30,900 Reasons to Fire Them

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

The State House in Trenton, New Jersey.
The State House in Trenton, New Jersey.

It may not feel like it, Save Jerseyans, but the Garden State added 30,900 private sector jobs in December 2012. Even more incredible? That’s the largest single month gain in New Jersey employment since our state began using its present employment racking formula in the early 1990s.Awesome and pathetic at the same time if we’re being honest.

Imagine how much stronger our labor market would be today had Democrats not raised taxes 115 times in the 8 years they completely controlled Trenton before Chris Christie’s victory over Jon Corzine? If legislative redistricting hadn’t been a disaster? And the elected Governor Christie enjoyed a Republican legislature with which to work? Or at least a much more balanced pair of chambers where victorious Democrats occupied “swing” districts and, consequently, felt sufficient electoral pressure to actually serve the taxpayers instead of their union overlords?

Asm. Jon Bramnick (R-Union) did a pretty solid job of explaining the history of the Democrats’ legislative malpractice over the past decade during yesterday’s Fox Business appearance. God knows we’ve discussed the topic hundreds of times here at Save Jersey, typically whenever Lou Greenwald opens his mouth. Too easy…

But this jobs report is a good opportunity to remind Save Jerseyans everywhere, from the hamlets of the Water Gap to the shores of Cape May County, of the paramount importance November 2013 holds for each and every one of us. Forget some of the recent headlines for a momney: the Chris Christie that passed pension reform, took on the NJEA and argued for income tax cuts can get can objectively good stuff accomplished in his second term IF, and only if, he is lucky enough to win alongside a new, cooperative legislature. He can’t do anything without it, which just means the 2016 Election starts a little bit sooner.

Start working, folks. I won’t say stop bitching, because I refuse to prescribe advice that I can’t follow myself!

In between rants, you should get on the ballot this year or pitch in with your local legislative campaign. Krauthammer’s basically correct when he says our intra-party differences are largely a function of tactics. Not entirely, God knows, but mostly. So please don’t let your personal quest for purity OR your triangulating “substance is a distraction” instincts get in the way of what could be a historic victory for taxpayers in 2013.

We have 30,900 new reasons to fire the Democrat Legislature. Spread the word. Onward and upward…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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