GOP Isn’t Doing Its Job

April 16, 2013 Matt Rooney 21

Unwillingness (Or Inability) to Articulate Conservatism Could Cost Republicans Down the Ballot in 2013 By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog A brand new Rutgers-Eagleton poll out […]

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The Snub That Wasn’t

March 19, 2013 admin 9

Was the “Chris Christie CPAC Snub” Really a Snub After All? By Christopher Canarelli | The Save Jersey Blog Last weekend, I had the pleasure of attending the […]

Brown Goes Green for Christie

March 1, 2013 Matt Rooney 5

Former Massachusetts Senator Hosts Fundraiser for New Jersey Governor By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog It’s Acting Governor Guadagno today, Save Jerseyans, as Governor Chris Christie journeys to […]

Christie Not Headed to CPAC

February 23, 2013 Matt Rooney 6

REPORT: New Jersey’s Governor Not Expected to Attend Annual Conservative Gathering By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog GOP presidential contenders (past and present) will be there, […]

Consider the Source

February 4, 2013 Matt Rooney 3

Reid Backs Menendez Amid Mounting Allegations. But What is Reid’s Word Really Worth? Not Much… By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid […]

Kean Sr. Sees Blowout

January 28, 2013 Matt Rooney 41

Former Republican Governor Thinks New Jersey Democrats May Face “Trouble Right Down the Ticket” in 2013 By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog This observation is hardly […]

The GOP’s Sexiness Gap

January 25, 2013 admin 1

Why the GOP Needs New Faces and Fresh Blood…Now! By Dale Glading | The Save Jersey Blog Here is the cold-hard truth. Were he alive today and […]

Taxpayer Revolt Marches On

January 23, 2013 Matt Rooney 0

Like Voters Nationally, New Jersey Taxpayers Still Worried About Spending… There’s Just Waiting for a Well-Articulated Alternative! By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog Don’t let […]