Losing It

In more ways than one, Save Jerseyans.

I’ve said it before and I’ll probably repeat myself 15,000 more times between now and Election Day 2012: when liberals act looney, it’s a revelation and not an aberration. Translation? Their true nature is crazy!

The scandals, outrages, gaffes and general goofiness exhibited by Obama and his cronies aren’t representative of isolated issues; rather, each incident is a true window into how these people really view the world and what they think about us, the other people whom they seek to govern control.

The image posted to your right is only the latest extreme example.

Jennifer Rubin is right: the Newsweek magazine cover featuring this image is an unintended but very real gift from that publication’s editors to Willard Mitt Romney! Again, because it demonstrates how little “sense of self” the American Left seems to possess. All to their own detriment, mind you…

Consider how an objectively benign and overtly calculated statement from the President regarding gay marriage is shamelessly (and baselessly, for that matter) seized upon by his fanatical supporters. Even though they abhor federalism as a matter of principal, they’re willing to accept Obama’s superficially federalist answer to the gay marriage question because they’ve elevated him to demigod status over the past 4-5 years.

He’s too big too fail now, much like the sprawling and ever-expanding national government under his stewarship. They know he now needs campaign $$$ to preserve it. So they’re willing to overlook the obvious hypocrisies for the sake of the “blue team’s” prospects in their never-ending war with the “red team.”

It’s sick. It’s weird. And guess what? Tea partiers and convervative bloggers are no longer the only ones who see it!

The latest opinion surveys indicate a decided tilt in Mr. Romney’s favor; word on the street is that the Obama camp’s internals are much more grim than anything we’re seeing in the news. So sure, the President may’ve appealed to gay and youth voters with last week’s non-announcement.

But guess what? The first group was already in his corner from a strictly voting perspective, and the second group is notoriously hard to turn out especially when they’re upset about graduating with zero job prospects. Swing voters are turned off. The President’s base is grappling with a severe bout of ennui. Turnout is going to be an expensive problem in November whereas it was easy and organic in 2008.

Simultaneously, however, the President’s gay marriage remarks are having the effect of driving independents (resentful of any non-economic storylines) and evangelical christians (who are strongly opposed to gay marriage) towards the former Governor of Massachusetts. This past weekend’s Liberty University address felt more like a coronation than an appeal from the Mittster. Obama (or Joe Biden?) helped him accomplish something that millions of dollars and months of primary contests couldn’t seem to do: motivate the Bush coalition behind his candidacy!

For all these reasons and more, Save Jerseyans, panic is setting in with less than six months to go. The President and his minions are losing it… figuratively and literally. Don’t vest your hopes in the RCP average. Just keep an eye on Newsweek‘s covers for all the confidence you need!


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. He's acting like a one term president. Almost like he knows it's over? Still didn't expect him to self-destruct in such a spectacular fashion.

  2. Jay you should have seen the hysteria Matt was trying to incite back in 2009, when marriage equality was up in the legislature, to the point where he was listing the phone numbers of every single state senator and begging people to take time out of their lives to call just for the purpose of voting against it.

    I will never forget the mean spirited and hurtful things Matt wrote then. I truely wonder if he recognizes the consequences of actions or if he realizes that this is something that will follow him for the rest of his life. I can only imagine the shame his grandchildren will feel looking back at their grandfathers actions.

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