Monmouth GOP Chair Race Suddenly Gets Interesting

Until yesterday, Save Jerseyans, it looked like Monmouth attorney Christine Hanlon might take over for departing GOP Chairman Joe Oxley without encountering significant opposition.

But this is the New Jersey Republican Party. It can never be THAT easy!

Three legislators who had previously remained silent have now elected to buck the trend. State Senator Robert Singer, Assemblyman Sean Kean and Assemblyman Declan O’Scanlon are throwing in behind former Governor John O. Bennett in the contest for Monmouth County GOP Chairman. Also joining the Bennett booster camp this week are five western Monmouth mayors and a victorious NJ-6 Congressional nominee Anna Little (R-Highlands).

Little actually carried Monmouth on Tuesday despite having been denied the line there. Not content to let this slight go unanswered, she loudly criticized the county organization in her closing pre-vote arguments and, after winning the primary, held out her situation as a rationale for Monmouth committee members to back Bennett:

It is urgent that all County Committee members in Monmouth County attend this Convention and select a chairman who will return Monmouth County’s Republican Organization to an open convention candidate selection process. Former State Senator, Former Governor John Bennett will lead the Monmouth County Republican Organization in this manner. When Monmouth County’s selection committee chose an unknown, unvetted candidate to face Frank Pallone in District 6, John Bennett courageously took a stand supporting Anna Little, the candidate chosen by the people of Monmouth County in both the 2010 Primary and General Elections.”

Hanlon isn’t exactly panicking at this point. She still boasts the considerable support of state Senator Jennifer Beck, state Senator Joe Kyrillos, Assemblywoman Mary Pat Angelini, Assemblywoman Amy Handlin, Assemblyman Dave Rible, Assemblyman Rob Clifton, Surrogate Rosemarie Peters, Freeholder Gary Rich, Sheriff Shaun Golden, Freeholder Deputy Dir. Tom Arnone, and Freeholder Serena DiMaso. At last count, she also claims to have locked up 394 of 768, or 51.3% of the county committee responsible for selecting a chair.

All the same, this June 12th convention just got more interesting in the past 24 hours. That’s politics for ya… especially politics in Monmouth County.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. Assemblyman Sean Kean is trying to have a new Alimony Reform Bill passed in New Jersey. The letter below voices deep concerns for how this Alimony Reform Bill will play out in the Family Court System if passed. Already, one judge, named Judge Paul Escandon is acting out this piece of legislature from the bench before it has even become a law and the results are catastrophic to women and children.

    Ms. Gamberg,

    Thank you for your reply.

    I am fully aware of the intended separation of powers within the government, however, judges in Monmouth County Family Court, in particular, Judge Paul X. Escandon, appear to be acting in legislative and judicial capacities, simultaneously. Judge Escandon has completely ignored constitutional and state laws, as well as court rules and proper procedure, and some believe it has to do with a political agenda he shares with former law partner, Assemblyman Kean. Many women have complained that Judge Escandon will do anything in his power to terminate alimony and child support for women who had already had support agreements in place. This includes emancipating teenagers, who are still in school, and transferring custody to clearly unfit fathers, all to the detriment of children. Is this the intention of Kean under his proposed alimony reform?

    I am in touch with a large group of New Jersey women, some in Kean's district, who would like to discuss the possible negative ramifications and potential abuses of his proposed alimony reform bill, and what they have experienced, apparently in the wake of Kean's pro men's rights movement. Many of these women have been reduced to poverty and unable to legally defend themselves in court against prominent attorneys afforded by their often wealthy ex-husbands.

    As a member of the New Jersey Legislature, I am sure Assemblyman Kean would be equally interested in judicial reform, should his proposed legislature prove catastrophic to women and children, due to the fact that there is relatively little, if any accountability, where judges are concerned. An appeal is not always a feasible option, considering the expense and time involved, and under judges like Judge Escandon, it would be nearly impossible to appeal every illegal ruling.

    Perhaps Assemblyman Kean, and other legislators on the bill, would be able to arrange a meeting with me and other constituents concerned about the proposed reforms, and what we have experienced in the judicial system. We would also like to know what actions, if any, are being taken by legislators to reform the judicial system, so that these types of abuses and absolute power exerted by judges, can be reviewed and remedied in timely fashion, without causing financial ruin to the complainant. One option, although seldom used, but a right of the people to request of members of the Assembly and Senate is impeachment. So to dismiss a constituent, simply by saying, a legislator cannot get involved, because of a separation of power, is unacceptable, especially when it appears Kean's proposed reforms for men's rights have spiraled into a 'war on women'.

    I understand that Kean is precluded from getting involved in matters before the court, however, he is not precluded from speaking to constituents about proposed reforms and potential pitfalls, as well as valid complaints regarding current laws not being adhered to within a court of law.

    Pleas contact me to schedule a meeting with Assemblymen Kean to discuss the aforementioned issues.

    Thank you,

    Patricia Pisciotti

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