REPORT: No Christie Bridgegate Link Found

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

George_Washington_Bridge,_HAER_NY-129-8This speaks for itself,  Save Jerseyans. The Feds have RULED OUT charges for Governor Chris Christie in the Bridgegate debacle (reports NBC4).

Full story here.

Wrap it up now, Wiz! Thus far, you haven’t uncovered any material contradictions of the Mastro report. Hundreds of days and millions of dollars wasted and the top law enforcement minds operating in our state see no reason to move against the Governor. So what could you expect to add to the process at this juncture? Especially since you’ve demonstrated ZERO interest in considering proposed reforms related to how these independent authorities function… nine months in…

“NBC New York reports governor Christie is not involved. Now it’s time for the panel that prejudged the governor to end its relentless attacks,” concurred Assemblyman Jon Bramnick, one of the Governor’s most reliable legislative allies, in a statement release after the news broke.

After attending a Thursday night fundraiser for Jeff Bell in Princeton (during which time the NBC story went live), Governor Christie appeared on NJ 101.5 for his monthly ‘Ask the Governor’ program and reacted to the report…

So what is MSNBC going to use for content now that @GovChristie is exonerated? Loop Oliver Stone movies and old Soviet propaganda films? Someone better check on Kornacki and Maddow…


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8553 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. Congratulations, Christie, LoBiondo, and Gilmore – you turned AC into Asbury Park in less than five years. Now all the monopoly properties are “Baltic Blue”. Well done. 8000 casino jobs and supporting jobs – never mind uncounted local businesses and employees to follow after…and don’t forget Lenox China, a NJ icon now made in, well….you get the idea.

  2. Com’on now. I’ve been critical of the Administration’s Revel plan, but to say Chris Christie ruined AC in 5 years is disingenuous. It’s been falling apart since Prohibition ended; out-of-state casino competition is accelerating the final stages of collapse.

  3. @Sixth He’s going to face a jury… the 2016 GOP Primary electorate. They’re tougher than a grand jury. Only the Lord knows how it’s all going to shake out! I’ll tell you this much: I’m looking forward to the traffic!

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