By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog
Here we go again…
2015 is a new year but Governor Chris Christie will face the same challenges stemming from last winter’s headlining story. According to Heather Haddon of The Wall Street Journal, Save Jerseyans, the office of U.S. Attorney Paul Fishman has “subpoenaed Gov. Chris Christie’s re-election campaign for documents relating to government meetings that were allegedly canceled with Jersey City’s mayor after he declined to endorse the governor.”
The timing of this news couldn’t be worse given Christie’s exploration of a next step (whatever that now means) beyond governor, next Tuesday’s State of the State address, a pitched battle over Port Authority reforms and, if you recall, a December NBC claim that 6+ Bridgegate-related indictments were possibly in the pipeline for this month.
What will come of it? Only Paul Fishman and his staff have a clear idea.
What’s clear to us? It’s going to get harder and harder for Governor Christie to assuage the fears of presidential primary donors if Bridgegate headlines (and the uncertainty they represent) persist.
At this point, he’d be better off if indictments dropped this afternoon and, of course, his name wasn’t on the list. A painful several news cycles (at least) to be sure but at least the band aid would be pulled. The current air of uncertainty isn’t doing him any favors.
All CC has to do is announce that he will not run for president and Hillary ’16 will stop funding this garbabge.
It has been obvious from the beginning that this was going to be a witch hunt. I hope the Gov. doesn’t announce his decision, whichever way it will go, until the last second. It keeps these people running in circles…..can be fun to watch at times.
Fat gate