Burlington GOP settles on 2015 Candidates

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

FYI – the Burlington County GOP convened on Saturday, Save Jerseyans, and endorsed their 2014 candidate slate for key legislative and county positions.

BurlingtonCoNorthTopoThe main event: for two freeholder seat challenges, one of which is held by humbled former NJ-3 Democrat candidate Aimee Belgard, sources familiar with the proceedings tell us that Republicans are going with Mt. Holly Mayor Rich DiFolco and Kate Gibbs, a former Executive Director of the Burlington County GOP and current head of business development for Engineers Labor-Employer Cooperative (ELEC) 825. Victory in November could mean total Republican control after several years of a 3-2 split. Most considered Belgard a bit of an aberration in the first place but she did run strong in Burlington in her failed campaign against Tom MacArthur last all.

In LD8, a “red” district, replacing the departing Chris Brown on the ticket with Maria Rodriquez-Gregg will popular former Freeholder Joe Howarth who didn’t seek reelection to the board last fall while undergoing treatment for Crohn’s Disease.

In Diane Allen’s LD7, a tougher nut to crack but still considered potentially competitive in a low-turnout cycle, the Republican organization will support Riverside attorney Bob Prisco and Palmyra Fire Department 1st Battalion Chief William “Bill” Conley.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8758 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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  1. Major Democrat defection in South Jersey | The Save Jersey Blog
  2. DiFolco drops from Burlco Freeholder ticket | The Save Jersey Blog

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