WEEKEND: Guadagno huddles with normal New Jerseyans while Murphy cheeses with LA liberal Handler

Murphy and Handler and Murphy's wife, Tammy (left) and Guadagno with normal human beings (right)

Phil Murphy has been losing mo’ in recent weeks, Save Jerseyans, as Garden State voters (finally) tune into this year’s gubernatorial contest and realize that the Democrat front runner is a fraud who has NOTHING in common with the people whom he wants to govern.

At all.

His favorite ‘New Jersey’ produce (broccoli and grapefruit) is only the tip of the iceberg.

This weekend, Murphy was the guest of honor at a [People’s Republic of] Montclair fundraiser headlined by none other than leftist “comedian” Chelsea Handler:

Handler recently declared that she’s taking a break from show business to engage politics (the “Weinstein” excuse); that’s a dubious explanation given that the reviews of her Netflix program were TERRIBLE and, for the second season, the streaming provider reduced the number of episodes from three per week to just one.

Some more fun facts about Handler:

She’s a totally regular person… just like Phil!
Partying with celebrities in mansions and consuming “New Jersey-grown” grapefruit with the rich and fabulous! It’s like a Springsteen song, right?

Meanwhile, Lieutenant Governor Kim Guadagno and her GOP ticket running mate, Cuban immigrant and Bergen County Mayor Carlos Rendo, were mixing it up with weekend farm fair attendees:

“Campaigning at the Chatsworth Cranberry Festival, meeting New Jerseyans who care about lower taxes. Didn’t see Phil Murphy there.. he must be campaigning at the grapefruit and broccoli festival somewhere!” opined Guadagno via Facebook on Saturday, trolling Murphy over his much-discussed #JerseyFresh debate gaffe.

You don’t have to love your choices on November 7th, Save Jerseyans, but don’t tell me you don’t have one.

Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.