NRA Takes Aim at NJ Gun Bills

Battle of Trenton

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

Battle of TrentonGovernor Chris Christie’s scrap with the National Rifle Association (NRA) made headlines last week and generated a limited yet loud backlash from at least one prominent Republican.

This week, the NRA’s legislative action wing is voluntarily entering the realm of New Jersey politics to oppose a series of new gun control measures pushed by the Democrat majority. The gun grab is hardly restricted to Feinstein’s machinations in D.C…

NRA operatives are taking aim at six (6) bills in particular:

· Assembly Bill 3664 sponsored by Representatives Joseph Cryan (D-20), Jason O’Donnell (D-31), and Mila Jasey (D-27) reduces lawful maximum capacity of certain ammunition magazines in New Jersey.

· Assembly Bill 3676 sponsored by Representative Angelica Jimenez (D-32) requires a psychological evaluation and in-home inspection as prerequisite to purchase firearm.

· Assembly Bill 3688 sponsored by Representatives Charles Mainor (D-31) and Angelica Jimenez (D-32) requires a mental health evaluation and list of household members with mental illness before one may purchase firearm.

· Senate Bill 2464 sponsored by Senator Shirley Turner (D-15) regulates the sale and transfer of rifle and shotgun ammunition.

· Assembly Bill 3659 sponsored by Representative Peter Barnes (D-18) revises the definition of destructive device to include certain weapons of 50 caliber or greater.

· Assembly Bill 3666 sponsored by Representatives Joseph Cryan (D-20), Jason O’Donnell (D-31), and Mila Jasey (D-27), along with its companion Senate Bill 2465, prohibits mail order, internet, telephone and any other “anonymous method” of ammunition sale or transfer in New Jersey.

The NRA’s plea accompanying this list wasn’t meek…

Instead of introducing reasonable legislation to rationally address existing crime problems and empower the law-abiding to protect themselves and loved ones, anti-gun zealots in the legislature are proposing laws that will only punish law-abiding gun owners.”

Can’t disagree with them there, Save Jerseyans. No honest broker with two brain cells to rub together could in good conscience.

Both President Obama and his fellow Democrats in Trenton have proposed dozens of new yet unimaginative gun control measures over the past few weeks while categorically refusing to seriously address the institutional and cultural problems underlying gun violence, particularly in our primary and secondary educational institutions. Appreciate the irony of liberal politicians tripping over themselves to limit your Second Amendment rights, but politicians remaining curiously silent on the topic of curbing Hollywood’s often-abused First Amendment rights!

It’s a disgrace, and it’s transparently political.

Don’t take it on the chin sitting down, folks.

Click here to find your legislators’ contact information. Call or email TODAY, respectfully yet firmly informing them that any attempt to further diminish your constitutional liberties — particularly without any serious attempt at addressing the true root causes of gun violence — will necessitate your every effort to defeat them at the polls this November.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8538 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. These bills are an assault on common sense.. one of them requires a HOME INSPECTION should you apply for a gun permit.. of course NONE of them allot the money to accomplish this.. so it might take 30 years to get a permit due to lack of funding..

  2. Thank you Matt and know your state level NRA organization the Association of New Jersey Rifle and pistol Clubs ANJRPC and the independent New Jersey Second Amendment Society are fighting for the rights of law abiding NJ gun owners every day. The NJ2AS has a very active Facebook presence and we welcome all to join the page as well as the organization.

  3. sent an email to my reps in the 8th district. these are the worst bills in regards to gun control that have come out of these liberal politicians. Leave my 2nd amendment alone!!!!

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