Guns don’t kill people, but Democrat urban governance sure does!

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog

It’s fair to say that our Constitution was designed to protect against precisely what happened on Tuesday afternoon down in Washington, D.C., Save Jerseyans: a tyrant trying to manipulate the emotions of the masses to seize additional powers for himself.

Harsh? Prove me wrong. Is there a more honest way to more charitably characterize President Obama’s insistence on governing by extra-constitutional executive orders after stunning defeats for his party at the congressional, state and local levels over the past two years? With… fake crying?

But that’s a rant for another post. I want to localize the glaring logical deficiencies underpinning this latest power grab’s operating public policy principles. You’ve heard me lament how the statistically rare “mass shootings” used to justify Obama’s B.S. always go down under ideal liberal conditions. The same can be said for general gun violence excluding suicides (I hope we can at least agree that gun control isn’t going to stop people from killing themselves?).

obama fake crying newarkLook no further than Newark for a frightening example.

In 2015, more than a quarter of the 375 people who died violent deaths in New Jersey met their end in the Brick City. Essex County, where Newark is located, racked up 143 homicides in 2015, roughly 40% of statewide murders for the calendar year. Democrat urban politicians conveniently blame the guns. “Relatively speaking, versus most cities of our size, we’re doing very well,” Jersey City’s Steven Fulop crowed according to; his city accounted for almost 7% of violent crime. “But access to guns, and particularly access to guns among young people, continues to be a challenging situation for Jersey City and every city in the country.”

Sorry, Mayor: I blame the politicians. The history is on my side.

The “availability” of guns argument can be easily dismissed by making two fairly obvious points: (1) If legal gun ownership is the problem, then why is the crime concentrated where it is, in cities? Perpetrated by gangs? Where gun ownership is 50% less prevalent than it is in rural areas? And (2) if you look at HOW gun crime goes down in New Jersey, it’s usually committed with guns that originated in our extremely-strict gun control state.

The problem isn’t “gun culture,” Mr. Mayor. It’s culture sans a modifier, and the liberal Democrat policies that have ravaged our most vulnerable communities ever since the New Deal Coalition realigned American politics mid-last century. I’ve laid out the stats for you before. None of this is debatable.

The dog-and-pony show politics of executive order tokenism and demagoguery won’t save a single life until Democrats are willing to accept responsibility for the role they’ve played in ruining once-great cities like Newark.

It’s enough to make me want to cry real tears, folks. 


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.


  1. According to a Bureau of Justice Statistics report:
    Roughly 1% of all firearms used in a crime were purchased at a “gun show.”
    47% of firearms used in a crime were purchased illegally.
    NCIC notes close to 350,000 guns entered into its database that were recovered in crimes were previously reported stolen.
    Every year……………………….

  2. I did some checking online and found that over the Christmas and New Years weekends, 10 people were murdered and over 60 people were wounded (all by gang related shootings) in Chicago in 2015. These were reports from CBSnews Chicago. No, it’s not NJ, but it’s further evidence of Democratic run urban areas being a sanctuary of death.

  3. America is at an awkward stage in its history…a stage where it is politically too late to rectify the damage wrought by the proglodytes, yet still just a tad too early to start shooting and lynching the basterds.

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