NJDOE to Entertain 32 New Charter School Applications

The Christie-driven school choice revolution continues to advance in New Jersey.

That’s stellar news for our state’s most at-risk children.

Today, the New Jersey Department of Education announced its intention to entertain 32 new charter school applications; reportedly most of the new schools would be in educationally distressed urban areas including Newark, Paterson or Jersey City. Three would be in suburban Somerset, Middlesex and Union counties, respectively. I’d expect those applications will draw the most scrutiny from residents and educators who erroneously believe their schools are world-class.

I wish it were true but it’s simply not, Save Jerseyans.

Consequently, Governor Christie has made it a priority to improve funding for charter schools as part of his larger effort to break the NJEA’s monopoly on our education system. These institutions received a lot of lip service but woefully insufficient support from the state during Jon “I Know Nothing ‘Bout No Transfers” Corzine’s tenure as governor.

That’s starting to change.

Kudos to Christie and his acting DOE chieftain, Chris Cerf, for doing the right thing by our kids. The NJEA’s fat cats and “community educators” will just have to learn how to deal.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

1 Comment

  1. Wasn't the Corzine Campaign the one that was running the ad with the clock couinntg up the days until the US Government gave them Chris Christie's T&E records? And so far they've must not have shown much given the meager junk that Corzine's campaign has dribbled out. On the other hand, isn't it curious how Mr. Transparency can't seem to get his foundation's filing in on time (i.e., Before the Election)!Corzine's foundation seeks extension on tax return filingBy Wally Edge @ PolitickerNJ.comThe Jon S. Corzine Foundation, formed by Gov. Jon Corzine as his philanthropic outlet, has asked the Internal Revenue Service for an extension. That allows them to avoid filing a tax return until after the election. In the past, political rivals have accused Corzine of using the foundation to bolster his political career.During his 2000 U.S. Senate campaign, Corzine avoided questions about his foundation until political pressure forced him to reveal his contributions. The foundation had donated more than $250,000 to future supporters, including Rev. Reginald Jackson's church, Stephen Adubato's North Ward Cultural Center, Rev. Jesse Jackson's Operation Rainbow/PUSH, and Planned Parenthood. All helped him secure the Democratic nomination in a heated primary with former Gov. Jim Florio.According to published reports, the foundation contributed over $3.5 million to charity in 2007, including large contributions to African American churches in Newark and Camden. Corzine has also forgiven a $50,000 personal loan to Reginald Jackson, the Executive Director of the New Jersey Council of Black Ministers. Jackson endorsed Corzine this week.Last year, the New York University Child Study Center had to give up a $2 million state contract after it was disclosed that the Corzine foundation had given them $350,000.===So in addition to the $20M that Corzine will spend directly on the election, he also likes to shower influential groups with even more cash. Must be nice to be a multimillionaire when your record of governing is as bad as Corzine's is.This man is shameless.

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