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Save Jersey Election Coverage

November 1, 2013 4

By Save Jersey Staff | The Save Jersey Blog It’s a big week for the Garden State, Save Jerseyans, and that means your intrepid Save Jersey team will be […]

NJ Flunks Biz Climate Index

October 9, 2013 Matt Rooney 3

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog In its annual analysis of U.S. states’ business climates released on Wednesday, the D.C.-based Tax Foundation ranked each state utilizing […]

Buono’s Crazy Train

February 2, 2013 Matt Rooney 3

Nuts! Presumptive New Jersey Democrat Gubernatorial Nominee Blames Chris Christie for the Mess That She’s Helped Create for 20 Years By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog […]

DGA’s Christie Paradox

January 8, 2013 Matt Rooney 0

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog They need to say something, Save Jerseyans. They’re paying staffers to man Twitter! So the Democrat Governors Association (DGA) […]

Black Friday Hypocrisy

November 23, 2012 Matt Rooney 5

It’s getting harder and harder to stomach these people, Save Jerseyans. The newly-reelected Bob Menendez is running around on Black Friday asking New Jerseyans to […]

The First Thanksgiving

November 22, 2012 Matt Rooney 0

Happy Thanksgiving, folks. Sugarcoating matters won’t help your mood: it’s been a very tough year. The economy stinks, our fellow citizens’ voting perferances stink even […]