A Side of Ham

Bob Menendez may be a Hudson County party boss, Save Jerseyans, but he’s also in touch with his sensitive side.

It’s… gross.

He shed tears over the fictional “war on women” at a July 2012 Union County appearance. He also spends virtually all of his campaign time discussing what I like to call “fluff” issues (e.g. puppies, free pizza, contraception); you’ll never hear “jobs,” “deficit,” “tax cuts” or any vocabulary associated with a pressing economic issue pass his lips. You’ll also never hear Hudson Bob mention how women have absorbed 70% of the job losses on President Obama’s watch.

His first TV spot of 2012 is no different; it’s set at a run-of-the-mill Jersey-style diner and, judging by his substandard acting job, Bob apparently prepped by ordering up a heaping helping of fluff with a side of extra ham:


Menendez’s opponent, state Senator Joe Kyrillos (R-NJ), has already launched two separate TV ads but continues to trail the Democrat incumbent by a lot or a little depending on which poll you choose to believe. Money remains a challenge, too, though Menendez’s utter lack of a record (and equally low name recognition) has kept the incumbent under the critical 50% mark — he’s also one of the only Democrat incumbents in America to trail President Obama. He-he…

The first of three Kyrillos v. Menendez debates is scheduled for October 4th.


Matt Rooney
About Matt Rooney 8537 Articles
MATT ROONEY is SaveJersey.com's founder and editor-in-chief, a practicing New Jersey attorney, and the host of 'The Matt Rooney Show' on 1210 WPHT every Sunday evening from 7-10PM EST.

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