Down-Ballot GOP Backlash?

November 4, 2013 Art Gallagher 4

FDU Poll: Christie Is Immune From Anger At Washington Republicans, But Other NJ Republicans Are Not By Art Gallagher | We’ll find out tomorrow night if Governor […]

UPDATED: Christie +24

November 4, 2013 Matt Rooney 8

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog Updated 12:53 p.m. Here’s our Election Eve public polling average: Rutgers-Eagleton (NEW) – Christie +36 Monmouth University (NEW) – Christie +20 Quinnipiac […]

Meet Fernando Alonso

November 4, 2013 Matt Rooney 2

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog Every Republican leader from TK2 on down, consultant or amateur prognosticator of any consequence ranks LD38 among the NJ GOP’s […]

NRSC Moves Against N.J. Firm

November 4, 2013 Matt Rooney 2

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog The ongoing national Republican Civil War is taking another turn for the worse, Save Jerseyans, with the National Republican Senatorial […]

In Monmouth, Guv Asks for GOP Statehouse

November 3, 2013 Art Gallagher 6

Christie: “I don’t want to serve another day with a Democratic Legislature” By Art Gallagher | He’s finally saying it. Yesterday afternoon at Bachstadt’s Tavern in North Middletown Governor […]

CR’s Mobilize in Monmouth

November 3, 2013 Matt Rooney 12

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog D.C.-based College Republican chapters are in Jersey for the weekend, Save Jerseyans, and they’re helping run up the score against […]