Who’s the Real RINO?

November 13, 2013 Martin Marks 14

By Martin Marks | The Save Jersey Blog The dust has essentially settled from Election Day. Every four years the two states getting the most attention are New […]

Sarah Palin Tries Irony

November 12, 2013 Matt Rooney 10

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog There are plenty of things that I could say about former Governor Sarah Palin’s new interview with Jake Tapper, Save […]

Christie’s Bipartisan Peril

November 12, 2013 Art Gallagher 9

Has Christie hitched his wagon to Democrats? Will the bi-partisanship continue? By Art Gallagher | MoreMonmouthMusings.com Now that Governor Chris Christie has completed his victory lap with appearances […]

The Lies Keep Getting Bigger

November 12, 2013 Matt Rooney 51

By Matt Rooney | The Save Jersey Blog Carnage. Absolute carnage. Tens of millions of Americans are losing their health insurance plans, Save Jerseyans, including over 800,000 over our […]

Rooney On Christie’s TIME Cover

November 11, 2013 8

By Save Jersey Staff | The Save Jersey Blog Save Jersey‘s Matt Rooney stopped by Chasing New Jersey on Friday via Skype to discuss Governor Chris Christie’s latest […]